
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Miracle of Christ's Birth Is My Wonderful Comfort

Why Do I Call Him My Lord?

They Don't Want You to Believe This, But I Do

I Was Not Born a Christian; I Was Adopted Through Grace

From Growing Up in the Social Gospel Movement of the 60's to Today's Woke Social Justice Movement

Why Do I Call Myself a Christian?

I Want to Know the Secret Counsel and the Will of God

With Jesus It's All or Nothing

Give Up Looking in All the Wrong Places and For All the Wrong People

I Don't Want to Just Wait For Things to Get Better

Even in These Evil Times: The Providence of God Must Be Believed

God's Providence Even When Things Are Not Good

Not Even a Hair on My Head

Creation vs. Evolution: I Do Not Want to Do Injustice to the Simplicity of the Scriptures

He Adopted Me

My Father Rules the World

My Father Made It - Out of Nothing!

God Requires Perfect Love, Nothing Less

What Does God Demand of Me?

I Need God's Regenerating Grace

I Want and Need Forgiveness

My Conscience Is Not Enough; Nor My Experience

I Need to Know the Truth About Me and It's Not Pretty

I Want to Be a Child of Light

It's No Comfort to Know...Unless