I Don't Want to Just Wait For Things to Get Better

Since I know about God’s providence, I am able to pray. 

If God did not rule, there would be no use for prayer. 

  • It would be futile, worthless. 
  • Yet since I know that God rules all things, 
  • I can ask Him for help in all situations.
The doctrine of God’s providence 
  • should make me patient in times of difficulty. 
  • Patience in such times means more than just waiting for things to get better. 
  • Patience means trusting that even these difficult times will turn to my advantage. 
This means that I willingly accept adversity 
  • because God sends it for my advantage. 
  • Whenever I grumble or complain in times of adversity, 
  • I display a lack of trust in God’s providential care over me. 
  • How that must grieve my most gracious Father.
The doctrine of God’s providence 
  • should also make me thankful in times of prosperity. 
  • This thankfulness is more than just being happy or joyous. 
  • It is possible to be happy in one’s prosperity 
  • without even thinking about God’s providence behind it or thanking God for it. 
Furthermore, I must continue to trust in God in these times of prosperity. 
  • It is all too easy to forget about my dependency upon God, 
  • and think that I have things in my own control.
This doctrine of providence 
  • should also give me a confident hope about my eternal security. 
  • There is nothing in all of creation, 
  • whether physical forces or spiritual forces 
  • which can separate me from the love of God, 
  • for God governs both the physical as well as the spiritual realm of creation. 
Paul wrote eloquently of his confidence for the future: 
  • “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, 
  • nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 
  • nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, 
  • shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 
  • (Romans 8:38,39).
Adapted Excerpt From Van Delden's Only By True Faith


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