How Do I Prepare For Hurt and Heartache?

One of the purposes of the gospel is to give me comfort. 
  • In Romans 15:4 we read that the Bible is not only meant to instruct us, 
  • but also to encourage and comfort us by giving us hope. 
  • “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, 
  • that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” 
  • The Bible is therefore a book of comfort. 
How do I define “comfort?” 
  • Comfort is the peace of mind that arises out of God’s promised mercy, 
  • which eases fear, anxiety and sorrow. 
What causes this fear in me? 
  • What arouses this anxiety? 
  • From where does this sorrow arise? 
  • From my fall into sin! 
  • My sin arouses the wrath of my holy and jealous God. 
  • And the consuming wrath of God makes me tremble in fear. 
Furthermore, my sin is punished with God’s curse. 
  • And the effects of this curse, such as pain, sickness and death, 
  • all give birth to sorrow. 
Comfort arises from the mercy of God. 
  • That is clear from Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 1:3, 
  • where Paul describes God as “the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.” 
  • The only source of comfort lies in the mercy of God which He has shown to us in Christ Jesus. 
What is my only comfort?
  • There is no other comfort than that which comes from my gracious God, 
  • through the forgiveness of my sins and the righteousness of Christ. 
In Isaiah 40:1, I read 
  • “Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” says your God. 
  • “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, 
  • that her warfare is ended, 
  • that her iniquity is pardoned.” 
Israel’s comfort was based on God’s promise 
  • that her punishment would come to an end, 
  • because God would pardon her sins.
Adapted Excerpt From Only By True Faith by Van Delden


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