He Reads My Secret Motives


What knowledge of man's heart our Lord Jesus Christ possesses!
  • I see Him exposing the false motives of those who followed Him for the sake of the loaves and fishes.
  • They had followed Him across the Lake of Galilee.
  • At first sight, they seemed ready to believe in Him, do Him honor.
But He knew the inward springs of their conduct, and was not deceived.
  • "You seek me," He said, "not because you saw the miracles,
  • but because you ate the loaves, and were filled."
I should never forget, the Lord Jesus is still the same.
  • He never changes.
  • He reads my secret motives and all who profess and call themselves Christians.
He knows exactly why I do all I do in my religion.
  • The reasons why I go to Church, and why I receive the sacrament --
  • why I attend family prayers, and why I try to keep Sunday holy--
  • all are naked and opened to the eyes of the great Head of the Church.
By Him my actions are weighed as well as seen.
  • "Man looks on the outward appearance,
  • but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

Let me be real, true, and sincere in my faith, whatever else I am.
  • The sinfulness of hypocrisy is very great, but its foolishness is greater still.
  • It is not hard to deceive ministers, relatives, and friends.
  • A little decent outward profession will often go a long way.
But it is impossible to deceive Christ.
  • "His eyes are as a flame of fire." (Revelation 1:14)
  • He sees me through and through.
  • Happy am I when I can say --
  • "You, Lord, who know all things, know that I love you." (John 21:17)
Adapted Excerpt from J.C. Ryle's The Gospel of John


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