My Father Made It - Out of Nothing!

God the Father is called the God of creation. 

  • His work is not limited to the actual work of creating, 
  • but also involves upholding or maintaining this creation, 
  • as well as governing it.
“Creation” means “to bring something into existence which did not exist before.” 
  • God made from nothing everything that is now seen (cf. Hebrews 11:3). 
  • At one time, there were no atoms or molecules, 
  • which are the building blocks of all things visible. 
God created these as He created all things. 
  • God created plants, animals and man, 
  • when no such thing or persons existed before. 
  • God created everything out of nothing. 
This is something that is impossible for me. 
  • I always need materials in order to “create” something. 
  • If I want to make a house, I need building materials. 
  • If I want to paint a picture, I need canvas, brushes and paint. 
Yet God created everything out of nothing. 


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