Not Even a Hair on My Head

"Providence” is that power of God whereby He governs and rules all things in His creation. 

Everything that happens, 

  • happens according to the will of God 
  • and in accordance with His plan for the fullness of time. 
  • The Bible leaves no room for anything to fall outside the scope of God’s control. 
  • All things are in God’s power. 

Even the most insignificant things imaginable are under His direction.

  • Without my Father’s will not a hair can fall from my head. 
  • What is more insignificant than a hair from my head? 
  • Yet God controls even such minute events. 
  • There is absolutely nothing in this universe that is not sovereignly controlled by God.
If this is so, and it is, 
  • then there is no such thing as chance, fate, fortune or luck. 
  • God’s providence leaves no room for belief in, or talk about, lucky charms, rabbit’s feet or four-leaf clovers. 
  • God’s providence leaves no room for black cats, broken mirrors or Friday 13th. 
For there are no forces in this universe, 
  • personal or impersonal, 
  • which are not controlled by God. 
  • God is sovereign, that is: God is in control of all things. 
  • He decides what will happen, and when, where and how, etc. 
  • This is God’s providence.
Jeremiah 23:23.24 
  • "Am I a God near at hand,” says the Lord, and not a God afar off? 
  • Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the Lord; 
  • “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord.
Adapted Excerpt From Van Delden's Only By True Faith


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