My Father Rules the World

God is not only the Creator but also the Upholder and Governor of this creation. 

When we speak of God as the Upholder of heaven and earth, 

  • we refer to the fact that all things owe their continued existence to God. 
  • For all life-giving and life-sustaining power lies in God. 
  • If God were to withdraw Himself from His creation, creation would cease to exist. 
For this creation is dependent upon God 

  • as a very sick man is upon a life-support system. 
  • If you were to pull the plug from the life-support system, 
  • the man would die. 
In the same way, if God were to “pull the plug on creation” 

  • by withdrawing Himself from it, 
  • creation would disintegrate into nothing. 
We also speak of God as the Governor of heaven and earth. 
  • Everything that happens today is determined by the will of God, 
  • and apart from God’s will, 
  • nothing happens. 
He decides what will happen when and where. 
  • He decides this on the basis of His eternal counsel. 
  • This refers to the plan that God established for the universe before it was created. 
  • This plan includes everything from the great things to the most insignificant things in creation. 


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