It's No Comfort to Know...Unless

It is no comfort to know that I am horribly sick and I am going to die. 

In fact, some doctors are reluctant to tell their patients how serious their illness is if there is no cure. 

  • For this knowledge won’t benefit them. 
  • In some ways, ignorance is bliss. 
  • The only time that such knowledge would really be of any benefit is when there is a cure. 
It is the same with my knowledge of my sin and misery. 

  • If there was no forgiveness of sins and no redemption, 
  • then I could just as well remain ignorant about my spiritual condition. 
  • Yet if there is a cure, I want to be told about my disease 
  • so that we might go to the physician who can heal us. 
Thus the knowledge of how great my sins and misery are 
  • will only be of comfort to me 
  • if I at the same time am told of the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. 
Thus the second aspect of that knowledge, 
  • which is necessary to have as comfort, 
  • is the knowledge of the deliverance, 
  • which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
John 17:3 
  • “And this is eternal life, 
  • that they may know You, the only true God, 
  • and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” 
Acts 4:12 
  • “Nor is there salvation in any other, 
  • for there is no other name under heaven given among men 
  • by which we must be saved.” 
Acts 10:43 
  • “To Him all the prophets witness that, 
  • through His name, 
  • whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.”


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