Creation vs. Evolution: I Do Not Want to Do Injustice to the Simplicity of the Scriptures

Scripture tells me that God created the earth and all that is in it in six days. 

This is very much questioned today. 

  • There are those who flatly deny any involvement of God. 
  • In fact, there are many that deny that God exists. 
  • They believe that the world took billions of years to “evolve” to its present condition. 
They believe that all life stems from a simpler form of life, 

  • which in the beginning originated spontaneously out of dead matter. 
  • They believe that somehow just the right atoms and molecules mixed together to form the structure of a living organism. 
  • From this one living organism all life has come, 
  • and over the years has progressed to the highest level called “man.” 
This theory is called “Evolution.” 

  • It contradicts the Scriptures, 
  • and is itself without scientific evidence. 
  • Furthermore, it fails to answer a most basic question: 
  • Where did these atoms and molecules come from?
There are others who try to combine both the Bible and the theory of evolution. 
  • This theory is called “theistic evolution.” 
  • This theory wants to keep God in the picture and in control, 
  • but at the same time it wants to make room for the modern theory of evolution. 
According to the theory of theistic-evolution, 
  • God created the first atoms and molecules. 
  • God also controlled the conditions whereby the first simple life was given to dead matter. 
  • God actively took part in the progression or evolution of this simple life, 
  • until it finally reached the goal that God set, namely, the existence of man. 
They deny the six days of creation, 
  • and they maintain that this word “day” is used figuratively for a long period of time. 
  • Ultimately, they say that each “day” in Genesis 1 were periods of billions of years. 
This does injustice to the simplicity of Scripture. 
  • Nowhere in the Bible do I read of a day as anything different from the day to which we are now accustomed. 
  • God is Almighty. 
  • God can do everything He desires. 
  • Why would I want to deny what Scripture says so clearly?
Furthermore, theistic-evolution makes it impossible to believe in Adam as a historical figure, 
  • who is the first father of all men. 
  • And to deny this truth of Scripture is to ultimately deny the position of the first Adam, 
  • namely, that of being my head and representative. 
If Adam was not my head and representative, 
  • then his sin (original sin) in paradise is not real, 
  • and neither is my participation in this sin and its consequences real. 
Still worse, if I deny the position of the first Adam, 
  • I am forced also to deny the corresponding role of the last Adam, 
  • upon which my salvation rests (cf. Romans 5:14-19; Corinthians 15:22).


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