I Need to Know the Truth About Me and It's Not Pretty

In order to live and die in the joy of my only comfort, I must come to know about my sin and misery.  

I first need to understand what is meant by the terms: sin and misery

  • SIN - those acts that man commits in rebellion against God. 
  • MISERY - the punishment which God inflicts upon the rebellion of man.
Spiritual misery
  • The heart of man became hard, with the result that man hates God.
  • The mind of man became darkened, 
  • with the result that man became foolish in his thinking, 
  • no longer knowing God.
  • The will of man became enslaved to evil, with the result that man was inclined only and always to evil.
Physical misery 
  • The body of man was subject to sickness, pain, and ultimately to death.  
  • The realm of nature was also cursed, 
  • resulting in natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, cyclones, droughts, and the like.  
  • The animal kingdom was also cursed, 
  • with the result that animals have turned in hostility against man and against each other.
I might be inclined to think that knowledge of my sin would come from my own conscience. 
  • After all, even as a fallen woman I retain some notions about God, 
  • and about natural things, 
  • and about the difference between what is honorable and shameful.
Furthermore, there are many things in this world that should tell me about my misery. 
  • All the sickness and death in the world, 
  • all the violence and crimes, all the hatred and war, 
  • should make my misery evident to me. 
  • I would think that the media would be quite sufficient to make me know my misery.
Romans 3:20 
  • Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, 
  • for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
Adapted Excerpt From Van Delden's Only By True Faith


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