When I Am in Danger

Only when I know I am in danger do I want someone to save me... I need to be made aware of my sin and misery so I will receive what Jesus offers.
- Adapted Excerpt from Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade

What must I know to live and die in the joy and comfort of belonging to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ?

Three things:

  • first, how great my sin and misery are;
  • second, how I am set free from all my sins and misery;
  • third, how I am to thank God for such deliverance.
Once [I] was foolish and disobedient.  [I] was misled and became a slave to many lusts and pleasures.  [My] life was full of evil and envy, and [I] hated others.  But -

When God [my] Savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved [me], not because of the righteous things [I] had done, but because of His mercy.  He washed away [my] sins, giving [me] a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.  He generously poured out the Spirit upon [me] through Jesus Christ [my] Savior.  Because of His grace He made [me] right in His sight and gave [me] confidence that [I] will inherit eternal life.

This is a trustworthy saying, and I want you to insist on these teachings so that all who trust in God will devote themselves to doing good.  These teachings are good and beneficial for everyone.  Titus 3:3-8 


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