Porch Talks: What Gives Meaning to My Life - the Love of God

What gives meaning to my present life is Christ – the love of God revealed and given in Him. 

  • What gives meaning to this life is Christ, as the Word that became flesh. 
  • Already before the fall into sin, He gave meaning to life as the eternal Word. 
  • In that Word, which was in the beginning, was life – that is, the true life of fellowship with God; 
  • and that life is the light of men (John 1:4). 
That Word which gave God’s fellowship to men, gave sense and meaning to life, 

  • and He, the eternal Word, enabled me also to understand the meaning of life, 
  • and thus let the light shine in life. 
Through the break with and separation from God the significance and the knowledge of the essence of my life is gone. 

  • It has pleased God however, that Christ as the Word that became flesh would again give meaning to life and reveal that meaning to me. 
  • The fullness of God’s love is in Christ and in association with it life again gains its full realization.
Thus, the solution of the life’s oppressive burden is in this, 

  • that I belong to Jesus Christ: 
  • that He is mine and I am His. 
This relationship is possible only because He bought me with His blood. 
  • This connection and association exists, however, because of the will of God, 
  • Who has given Christ to me and through the Holy Spirit incorporated me into Christ. 
In that relationship Christ actively gives my life meaning 
  • by making God’s love flow to me opening my heart for it 
  • and making my love respond to His love. 
Therefore – and it is the only remedy – 
  • all possibilities that were dead, are made alive again in my heart and now become realities. 
  • My life, in which all opportunity was cut off by sin, regains its full potential again – 
  • and it is more than a chance! – since there is the promise as well as the fulfillment of that promise.
  • Thus Christ is working in me, bringing to life all that was dead. 
Adapted Excerpt from The True Life by Simon G. De Graaf


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