What's Wrong With Me and the World?

What does God demand of me? 

  • One might say that God demands obedience from me. 
  • And that is certainly true. 
  • Yet that answer does not cover the depth of God’s demands. 
It is possible to show ‘obedience’ but to do so in such a way that God is not pleased (cf. Psalm 50; Isaiah 29:13; Joel 2:13; Matthew 23). 

  • God is not pleased with external or ritual obedience. 
  • He desires obedience from the heart. 
  • God wants my love. 
  • That is why the law is summarized “You shall love the Lord ... and your neighbor as yourself.” 
  • It is possible to obey God without loving Him (an empty obedience). 
  • However, it is impossible to love without obeying (cf. John 14:15).
Furthermore, God requires perfect love, complete love, love for both God and my neighbor. 
  • The summary of the law emphasizes this when it says, 
  • “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind.” 
Three times the word “all” is repeated. 
  • And the reference to heart, soul and mind certainly emphasizes the fact that God demands that I sacrifice my whole self as a living sacrifice of love and gratitude to God.

Through God’s law I come to know what a wretched person I am. 
  • I have wandered away from God through my disobedience. 
  • I have lost all the wonderful gifts which God had given me at creation, 
  • gifts such as purity, integrity and uprightness. 
Now I am left with none of these gifts and I am unable to do any good. 
  • Can I keep all this perfectly? 
  • No, I am inclined by nature to hate God and my neighbor.
There are some who claim that the law is no longer in force today. 
  • They say that in the Old Testament there was the law, 
  • but today there is grace, i.e., the command to love. 
  • In the Old Testament they had to strictly obey these laws, 
  • but in the New Testament I only have to love God and my neighbor. 
However, Christ said that the law has not passed away (cf. Matthew 5:17) 
  • and as we read in John 14:15, love for God will produce obedience to His commandments.


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