Road Blocks to My Heavenly Father

I can try various avenues to escape God’s judgment. But what blocks my escape down each of these avenues?

I must profess our faith in the grace of God, 

  • the only avenue by which I can escape the punishment of sin and still appear before God. 
  • That way is Jesus Christ. 
Yet I am inclined to look for some other avenue rather than Christ. 

  • I wish to escape God’s wrath and appear before God by traveling down a different avenue, 
  • in which it allows me to retain some of his pride. 
However, there is no way that I can retain my pride, 
  • because there is no other avenue of escape 
  • and no other avenue to the Father besides Jesus Christ. 
  • As Christ said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).
In an earlier post I saw that the avenue of “good works” was closed. 
  • I am inclined to think that I can arrive at God’s grace myself, by doing good. 
  • Yet I cannot do good works in my own power. 
  • I cannot perform what the law of God requires.
There was another avenue that was closed to me. 
  • That was the avenue of “innocence.” 
  • If I am inclined by nature to all evil, 
  • then perhaps I am able to place the blame on God for creating me with that nature. 
However, I learned that God created me good. 
  • I cannot place the blame for my sin and misery upon God. 
  • I am solely to blame.
But there are other avenues 
  • which are closed 
  • which I might try to walk down 
  • in order to escape God’s wrath. 
To be continued

Adapted Excerpt from Van Delden's Only By True Faith


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