Not My Brother, Nor My Sister, But It's Me, O Lord

Standing in the Need of Prayer...

It is well that I should think thus, 

  • putting myself in the seat of the accused, 
  • realizing that the revelation of the principles of judgment which the Scriptures set forth concern me, 
  • and that I will be judged by God.

It makes a great difference to an accused man 

  • to know the court in which he will be judged 
  • and to be aware of the principles of judgment which will prevail in the consideration of his case.
Though I may think that my case would be hopeful, 

  • as it might if brought before a human tribunal, 
  • it will be seen to be utterly hopeless when brought before the tribunal of God.  
  • For at the divine court there will be no human code of judgment, 
  • and in order that this may be forever clear the code by which God will judge His creatures is now declared in His Word.

Woe unto me 

  • if I think that I am going to face a God of my own stature or of my own devising, 
  • or a God who thinks with human fallibility.  
  • The Bible declares my sinfulness and the principles of God's judgment in such terms 
  • that the result is absolute condemnation without the remotest shadow of hope for me 
  • if I attempt to approach God with any brand of human righteousness.
Judgmental criticism of others is a well-known way of escaping detection in your own crimes and misdemeanors.  But God isn't so easily diverted.  He sees right through all such smoke screens and holds you to what you've done.  Romans 2 (The Message)

Adapted Excerpt From Barnhouse's God's Wrath


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