It's Really That Bad

How bad is my depravity? 

Original sin has affected not just me but all men, and affected us totally. 

  • You and I are unable to do any good. 
  • You and I can do nothing that pleases God because of our depravity. 
  • You and I are inclined to all evil and thus we are sentenced to eternal death. 
Read what Genesis 6:5 says. 

  • God saw that 100% of the thoughts of my heart is 100% corrupt 100% of the time. 
  • There is no good left in me (cf. Romans 3:11-12; 7:18). 
  • My best works are like filthy rags (cf. Isaiah 64:6), 
  • and my heart is desperately wicked (cf. Jeremiah 17:9). 
  • I am by nature a child of wrath and dead in sin (cf. Ephesians 2:3-5). 

Apart from the redeeming grace in Christ Jesus, 

  • I cannot bear any good fruit (cf. John 15:4- 5). 
Apart from the regenerating work of the Spirit, 

  • I would seek God (cf. Romans 3:11), 
  • nor confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:3).
Adapted Excerpt From Van Delden's Only By True Faith


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