Am I Losing Sin-Consciousness; Losing God-Consciousness?

Today's Church, as demonstrated in the recent decisions of the UMC, is rapidly losing sin-consciousness; which means losing God-consciousness; which means eternal doom.

There is nothing in human religion that can do more than drug my human senses for a moment to make the road to Hell less tragic.

Let me not delude myself with the idea that my human righteousness will pass as valid currency when God's reckoning day shall come.

If I will not have Jesus Christ as my Savior, I must have Him as my Judge.

The Cross is the revelation of the fact that God really means business with this question of sin, and woe to me if I think otherwise.

The human heart: I may appear outwardly like the green meadow to the onlooker, but God says the soil of my heart is, by nature, filled with all the parasites of unrighteousness which kill any growth Godward, and which must be dealt with only by redemption.

The more I discover myself a common sinner, the more I will realize God's uncommon grace.

If I set myself up above the truth of God, I have really set myself up against God.

Today is the great day of God's amnesty. I am a rebel, and He offers to forgive and restore me if I will submit to Him.

There is no playing with God.  Will I have the blood or the fire of the altar?  Will I have the manna of the the Word or the edges of the blade?

On the one side, there is "Thus supposes man."  On the other, there is, "Thus saith the Lord."  It is assumption vs. assurance; it is credulity vs. faith; it is conjecture vs. the unveiling.  In sum, it is the brain of the creature opposed to the omniscience of the Creator.  It is man vs. God.

Adapted Excerpt From Man's Ruin by Barnhouse


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