How Can I Turn Over a New Leaf?

How can I get rid of my depravity and turn over a new leaf?

  • Is there no way I can rid myself of this depravity? 
  • Can I not free myself from it, 
  • or change my dirty nature like I would change our dirty clothes? 
No, I cannot change myself. 

  • I cannot decide to turn over a new leaf. 
  • I can no more change my nature than a leopard can change his spots 
  • or an Ethiopian the color of his skin (cf. Jeremiah 13:33). 
Yet the God's Word does not want to deny all possibility of doing good. 

  • For while I cannot change myself, the Bible shows that God changes us. 
  • What I cannot do, God can and does. 
  • I cannot make myself clean again, but God is able to do this. 
Scripture speaks about recreation, about being born anew. 

  • No one but God, who created us in the first place, can recreate us. 
  • This is the work of God, the Holy Spirit.


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