God Did Not Make Me This Way

In this post, I must pick up the thread from the previous. 

  • There I learned that I am inclined by nature to hate God (cf. Romans 8:7) and my neighbor (cf. Titus 3:3). 
  • This hatred of God means that I am not able to fulfill God’s law. 
  • God will not accept a loveless obedience. 
  • God wants service from the heart. 
  • Thus love lies at the root of every commandment, and love is also the fulfillment of the law (cf. Romans 13:10). 
  • Christ said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). 
  • However, I have an overpowering tendency to hate God and to disobey Him.
Did God create me so willfully disobedient and stubborn? 
  • I ask this because I try to escape the guilt that this evil nature brings upon me. 
  • If I answer “Yes, God made me this way!” then the guilt is not ours, but God’s. 
  • Yet the Bible immediately upholds God’s innocence and holiness. 
  • It is not God’s fault. 
  • He created me good, in righteousness and holiness. 
When God created man, man enjoyed a right relationship with God. 
  • Man was innocent, without any spot or blemish due to sin. 
  • Man was created good. 
  • Man could conform his will to God’s will. 
  • Man could do what God demanded.

Scripture says that God created me in His own image. 
  • An image is a likeness or a reflection of something or someone. 
  • I reflect the likeness of God. 
  • That I bear God’s image does not mean that I look like God as far as appearance is concerned.
  • Rather, it means that I resemble God insofar as I reflect qualities that God possesses in perfection.
I have been given a mind that enables me to reason. 
  • I have been given a heart by which I am able to love. 
  • I have been created with a sense of justice, of knowing what is good and right. 
  • These are qualities that are found in God. 
  • In this sense, I resemble God. 
There is a second element to me as the image-bearer of God, and that is the element of office. 
  • Just as a man might receive an office as elder, deacon or minister in the church, 
  • so I received from God the office of being God’s image bearer. 
  • In this office I am called to reflect God’s image on earth. 
  • I am given the exalted position of ruling this creation on God’s behalf. 
  • I am to represent God by using his God-like qualities.
Adapted Excerpt From Only By True Faith by A. Van Delden


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