Am I Sentenced to an Eternal Existence Apart From God?

Through original sin (the sin of Adam, my representative in Paradise) I became guilty and subject to condemnation. 

  • Every child that is born, shares in original sin. 
  • That means that every child is conceived and born in sin and is therefore subject to condemnation.
  • There is no such thing as an innocent child (except the Child born in Bethlehem). 
  • Original sin is sufficient to condemn even a tiny infant.  
The second effect of man’s fall into sin was that man became depraved (corrupt) and a slave to sin.
  • Original sin affected not only my legal standing before God, but also my nature, my character. 
As a result of original sin, I have lost all but some small traces of the excellent qualities that God gave me at man's creation. 
  • My mind becomes infected with the lie, so that I cannot think properly any more. 
  • My heart becomes hardened so that I cannot love any more. 

In the beginning, man was able to conform his will to God’s will. 
  • Yet after the fall into sin, my will has become inclined to all evil. 
  • I can no longer will to do what is good. 
  • I am no longer able to fulfill the glorious position of representing God. 
Instead, I represent the devil. 
  • The “original sin” of Adam brought upon man a corrupt nature, which in turn induces man to commit further sin. 
  • The sins that I commit as a result of my depraved nature are called “actual sins.”
My sin puts me under the curse. 
  • Since I cannot do the good that God demands, God punishes me by withholding His blessings. 
  • This was portrayed to man in the curse that was pronounced over him after the fall. 
  • Man was expelled from the Garden of Eden. 
  • Man would have to work very hard, but his work would no be blessed. 
  • The ground would bring forth thorns and thistles. 

I would not have a pleasant life on earth. 
  • No, I would have a miserable life. 
  • To the woman came the curse of bearing children in pain. 
  • Illness, disease and death have entered the world through sin 
  • and the earth itself was subjected to the curse, as can be seen in earthquakes, storms, droughts and floods, etc.
Furthermore, I became subject to eternal death. 
  • That does not mean that I would cease to exist forever. That is not what eternal death is. 
  • Eternal death is the eternal separation from God. 
Having fellowship with God is life and the source of joy. 
  • Nevertheless, as a fallen woman, I no longer deserved to enjoy fellowship with God. 
  • I do not deserve to enjoy the blessings of God. 
  • I am sentenced to an eternal existence apart from God, an eternal existence of suffering.
Adapted Excerpt From Van Delden's  Only By True Faith


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