Let's Live and Die As God's Friends

So God created human beings in His own image.  In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.
  Genesis 1:27

Reality Check 1: God created human beings.

  • Who created human beings?  God
  • Whom did God create?  Human beings
  • What is being said about God?  God created.
  • created: brought into being; originated; generated; produced
Reality Check 2: In the image of God He created them.
  • How did God create human beings?  In the image of God
  • created: designed; fashioned; constructed; built
  • image: likeness; look-alike; carbon copy
  • What kind of image? the image of God
Reality Check 3: What are some of the characteristics of the image of God?
  • Purposeful
  • Rational
  • Called to love
  • Exercise dominion
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Relational
  • Creative
Reality Check 4: Male and female He created them.
  • How did God create human beings to clearly express His image?  He created them male and female.

Reality Check 5: We do what comes naturally: For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of the glory of God.  Romans 3:23
  • We look to creation and not the Creator for our life purpose, leaving ourselves hopeless and lost.
  • We easily succumb to futile thinking, destroying God's image of male and female.
  • We hate God and others.
  • We become spoilers and destroyers of God's creation instead of being stewards and caretakers.
  • We do what is right in our own eyes; not what is right and moral in God's eyes.
  • We isolate ourselves from a relationships with others, becoming a generation marked by loneliness, depression, and suicide.
  • We worship our individual selves over nurturing loving relationships with God and others.
  • We destroy our ability to create beauty that reflects God's character and creation.
Reality Check 6: But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.  Romans 5:8
  • We need a Savior; His name is Jesus.
  • Get to know Him as He is revealed in the Bible.
  • Start with the Gospel of John.


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