He's Left the Light On For You - Come Home

I need to worship a God who makes demands on my character, with consequences. 

  • I need to know that Christianity is about more than me just “reaching my untapped potential” or “finding the God inside me.” 
  • I need to know that I worship a Christ who died, bodily, and rose from the dead. 
  • Literally. I need to know that decisions can (and should) be made based on Scripture and not just experience. 
  • These are things that give me peace in a world of maybe.
He said, “In the music scene it’s really cool to search for God. It’s not very cool to find Him.”
  • That line has stuck with me ever since as an apt summary not just for the world of entertainment, but for spirituality in the West. 
  • The destination matters little. 
  • The journey is the thing.

Adapted Excerpt From

Why We're Not Emergent

Kevin DeYoung & Ted Kluck

I have lived overseas for the last seven years and have had the privilege of traveling with my husband to several mission assignments in Europe and Asia.  But I don't always want to be on a "journey" - ever on the move - never having a place to call home.

And I don't always want to be on a "spiritual journey"; I need a "spiritual home" - a destination where I can find rest and comfort in God's unchangeable eternal truths - truths that are found in His revealed Word - the Scriptures.  

I need a spiritual home where I can find my Heavenly Father - a home where I can find Him standing at the door with open arms to welcome me. And a home of belonging to His family. 

But sadly, our world has become spiritually homeless. 
Many have abandoned a home of belonging - a home that offers assurance, rest and certainty. Instead, it seems they have opted for a spiritually vagabond never-ending restless journey of "maybe's".  

O come home, dear ones.  He's left the light on for you.  Come Home.

There are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there.

—G.K. CHESTERTON, The Everlasting Man


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