True Grace Never Slumbers or Sleeps

The fruits of the Spirit are the only satisfactory evidence of a man being a true Christian.

  • The disciple that "abides in Christ," 
  • like a branch abiding in the vine, 
  • will always bear fruit. 

If I would know what the word "fruit" means, 

  • I need not wait long for an answer.  
  • Repentance toward God, faith toward my Lord Jesus Christ, holiness of life and conduct, 
  • these are what the New Testament calls "fruit."  

These are the distinguishing marks if I am a living branch of the true Vine.  

  • Where these things are lacking, 
  • it is vain to talk of possessing dormant grace and spiritual life.  
  • If I lack these things I am "dead while I live."

True grace, I must not forget, is never idle.  

  • It never slumbers or sleeps.  
  • It is a vain notion to suppose that I am a living member of Christ, 
  • if the example of Christ is the only satisfactory evidence of saving union between Christ and my soul.  

Where there is no fruit of the Spirit to be seen, 

  • there is no vital faith in my heart.  
  • The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus will always make Himself known in my daily conduct if He dwells in me.  
  • The Master Himself declares, "Every tree is known by its fruit." (Luke 6:44)
Adapted Excerpt From The Gospel of John by J.C. Ryle


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