God's Moral Seasons: Keep Abandoned to Him

God is so immediately near and so immensely strong 

  • that I get more and more joyous in my confidence in Him 
  • and less and less careful how I feel. 

It is a great moment 

  • when I realize I have the power to trample on certain moods, 
  • a tremendous emancipation to get rid of self-consciousness 
  • and heed one thing only: the relationship between God and myself.

Faith for my deliverance is not faith in God.  

  • Faith means, whether I am visibly delivered or not, 
  • I will stick to my belief that God is love.  
  • There are some things only learned in a fiery furnace.

Believe what you saw when you were in the light, 

  • and when you are in the plowed field and God's moral seasons are going over you - 
  • the remainder of the cold, hard winter, the beginnings of the strange painful stirrings of spring - 
  • keep abandoned to Him.  
  • He knows the seasons to bring to your soul as He does in the natural world.
Adapted Excerpt From Run Today's Race by Oswald Chambers


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