Let This Lesson Sink Down Into My Heart

A distinct promise of power and success in prayer

  • What does that promise turn on? 
  • I must "abide in Christ", 
  • and Christ's words must "abide in me".

To abide in Christ means to keep up a habit of constant close communion with Him - 

  • to be always leaning on Him, resting on Him, pouring out my heart to Him, 
  • and using Him as my Fountain of life and strength, as my chief Companion and best Friend.  
To have His words abiding in me, 

  • is to keep His sayings and precepts continually before my memory and mind, 
  • and to make them the guide of our actions and the rule of my daily conduct and behavior.

Christians of this stamp, I am told, shall not pray in vain.  

  • Whatever I ask I shall obtain, so long as I ask things according to God's mind.  
  • No work shall be found too hard, and no difficulty insurmountable.  
  • Asking I shall receive, and seeking I shall find.  
  • It is written in a certain place, The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)

Now, why is there so little power of prayer like this in my own time?  

  • Simply because there is little communion with Christ, 
  • and so little conformity to His will.  
  • If I do not "abide in Christ," I therefore pray in vain.  
When Christ's words do not abide in me, 

  • as my standard of practice, my prayers seem not to be heard.  
  • I ask and receive not, because I ask amiss.  
  • Let this lesson sink down into my heart.  
  • If I would have answers to my prayers, I must carefully remember Christ's directions.  
I must keep up intimate friendship with the great Advocate in heaven, if my petitions are to prosper. 

Adapted Excerpt From The Gospel of John by J.C. Ryle


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