Let Me Hold on My Way and Never Be Ashamed

When I make conscience of diligently observing Christ's precepts, I shall continually enjoy a sense of Christ's love in my soul.

  • If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love.

Of course I must not misunderstand my Lord's words when He speaks of "keeping His commandments."  

  • There is a sense in which no one can keep them.  
  • My best works are imperfect and defective, 
  • and when I have done my best I may well cry, "God be merciful to me a sinner."  
Yet I must not run to the other extreme, 

  • and give way to the lazy idea that I can do nothing at all.  
  • By the grace of God I may make Christ's laws my rule of life, 
  • and show daily that I desire to please Him.  

So doing, my gracious Master will give me a constant sense of His favor, 

  • and make us feel His face smiling on us, like the sun shining on a fine day.  
  • The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. (Psalm 25:14)

Lessons like these may be legal to some, 

  • and bring down much blame on those who advocate them.  
  • Such is the narrow-mindedness of human nature, that few can look on more than one side of truth!  

Let me as a servant of Christ call no man my master.  

  • Let me hold on my way, 
  • and never be ashamed of diligence, fruitfulness, and jealous watchfulness, in my obedience to Christ's commands.  
  • These things are perfectly consistent with salvation by grace and justification by faith, whatever anyone may say to the contrary.

If I am careful over my words and tempers and works, 

  • I will generally be the most happy Christian.  
  • Joy and peace in believing will never accompany an inconsistent life.  
It is not for nothing that our Lord concludes - These things have I spoken unto you, that your joy might be full.

Adapted Excerpt From The Gospel of John by J.C. Ryle


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