Leave No Room For Doubt

The fruitfulness in Christian practice will not only bring glory to God, but will supply the best evidence to my own heart that I am a real disciple of Christ.

Assurance of my own interest in Christ, and my consequent eternal safety, is one of the highest privileges in my Christian faith.  

  • To be always doubting and fearing is miserable work.  
  • Nothing is worse than suspense in any matter of importance, and above all in the matter of my soul.  
  • If I would know one of the best receipts for obtaining assurance, I should diligently study Christ's words, Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; showing yourselves to be my disciples.  
Let me strive to bear much fruit in my life, my habits, my temper, my words, and my works. 

  • So doing I shall feel the "witness of the Spirit" in my heart, and give abundant proof that I am a living branch of the true Vine.  
  • I shall find inward evidence in my own soul that I am a child of God, 
  • and shall supply the world with outward evidence that cannot be disputed.  
  • I shall leave no room for doubt that I am a disciple.

Would I know 

  • why so many professing Christians have little comfort in their faith, 
  • and go fearing and doubting along the road to heaven?  
  • The question receives a solution in the saying of my Lord I am now considering.  
I do not want to be content with a little Christianity, 

  • and a little fruit of the Spirit, and not labor to be holy in all of life.  
  • I do not want to be left enjoying little peace, feeling little hope, and leaving behind me little evidence.  
  • The fault would lie only with myself.  
God has linked together holiness and happiness; and what God has joined together I must not think to put asunder.

Adapted Excerpt From The Gospel of John by J.C. Ryle


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