Just As Close and Just As Real

The union between Christ and believers is very close.

  • He is "the Vine," and I am "the branch."

The union between the branch of a vine and the main stem, is the closest that can be conceived.  

  • It is the whole secret of the branch's life, strength, vigor, beauty, and fertility.  
  • Separate from the parent stem, it has no life of its own.  
  • The sap and the juice that flow from the stem are the origin and maintaining power of all its leaves, buds, blossoms, and fruit.  
  • Cut off from the stem, it must soon wither and die.

The union between Christ and me is just as close, and just as real.  

  • In myself I have no life, or strength, or spiritual power.  
  • All that I have of vital faith comes from Christ.  
  • I am what I am, and feel what I feel, and do what I do, 
  • because I draw out of Jesus a continual supply of grace, help, and ability.  
Joined to the Lord by faith, 

  • and united in mysterious union with Him by the Spirit, 
  • I stand, and walk, and continue, and run the Christian race. 
  • But every jot of good about me is drawn from my spiritual Head, Jesus Christ.

The thought before me is both comfortable and instructive.  

  • I have no cause to despair of my own salvation, and to think I will never reach heaven.  
  • Let me consider that I am not left to myself and my own strength.  
My root is Christ, 

  • and all that there is in the root is for the benefit of my branch and the branches of all believers.  
  • Weak as I am in myself, my Root is in heaven and never dies.  
  • "When I am weak," said Paul, "then am I strong." (2 Corinthians 12:10)
Adapted Excerpt From The Gospel of John by J.C. Ryle


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