He Calls Me His Friend

How my Lord speaks of the relation between Himself and true believers. 

  • He says, Henceforth I call you not servants...but I have called you friends.

This is indeed a glorious privilege.  

  • To know Christ, serve Christ, follow Christ, 
  • obey Christ, work in Christ's vineyard, 
  • fight Christ's battles, all this is no small matter.  
But for sinful men and women like myself to be called a "friend of Christ", 

  • is something that my weak mind can hardly grasp and take in.  
  • The King of kings and Lord of lords not only pities and saves me, 
  • but actually calls me His "friend".  
  • I need not wonder, in the face of language as this, 
  • that Paul should say, the love of Christ passes knowledge. (Ephesians 3:19)

Let the expression before me encourage me to deal familiarly with Christ in prayer.  

  • Why should I be afraid to pour out all my heart, and share all my secrets, in speaking to one who calls me His "friend"?  
  • Let it cheer me in all the troubles and sorrows of life, and increase my confidence in my Lord.  
  • He that has friends, says Solomon, will show himself friendly. (Proverbs 18:24). 
Certainly my great Master in heaven will never forsake His friends.  
  • Poor and unworthy as I am, He will not cast me off, but will stand by me and keep me to the end.  
  • David never forgot Jonathan, 
  • and the Son of David will never forget His people.  
None so rich, so strong, so well off, so thoroughly provided for as the man of whom Christ says, This is my friend!


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