God's Standard in the Common Days

Let me revise in my mind 

  • silences in prayer, in praise, or for the Truth, 
  • when I was so greedy for my own sensitiveness 
  • that I would not speak a word which might have saved a soul from a terrible blunder.

Christianity makes no allowance for heroic moods.  

  • It is easy to feel heroic in an armchair, when everything goes well, 
  • but Christianity deals with God's standard in the common days 
  • when I am out of my armchair, 
  • and when things are not going well.

Fearless devotion to Jesus Christ ought to mark me today, 

  • but more often it is devotion to my set that marks me.  
  • I am more concerned about being in agreement with Christians 
  • than about being in agreement with God.

I would never know that my spirit was wrong 

  • unless Jesus rebuked it, 
  • because it is so emphatically right according to my reason (Luke 9:55).  
  • The one thing to mark is the effect on my conscience - 
  • does my spirit bear the mark of native self-assertiveness 
  • or of disciplined self-conquest?
Adapted Excerpt From Run Today's Race by Oswald Chambers


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