God's Gift of Grace in a Woke Culture: Personal Notes on 40 Days of Grace by Paul David Tripp

Day 1: I have to face it, my most brilliant act of righteousness wouldn't measure up to God's standard; that's why I have been given the grace of Jesus.

Our woke culture is a graceless culture.

Day 2: Grace has the power to do what nothing else can do - rescue me from me, and in so doing, restore me to what I was created to be.

Our woke culture is powerless to rescue and restore .

Day 3: I must remember that God didn't give me grace for my kingdom to work, but to capture me for a better kingdom.

Our woke culture is unable to offer a better kingdom.

Day 4: God's grace will expose what I want to hide, not to shame me, but to forgive and deliver me.

Our woke culture is a miserable life of unending, unforgiving shame - with no hope of deliverance.

Day 5: I need to quit being paralyzed by my past.  Grace offers me life in the present and the guarantee of a future.

Our woke culture leaves us paralyzed by our past, and a present life that is doomed with no guarantee of a future.

Adapted Excerpt From 40 Days of Grace by Paul David Tripp


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