Amy Carmichael Takes Us Into Life's Darker Woods

There are darker woods than illness, poverty, bereavement.  

  • There is the gloom wrapped about every thought of some catastrophe that has shaken the fabric of life to its foundations.  
  • There has not yet been full recovery from that shock.  
Broken hearts are everywhere in this world of tragedies: 

  • "How many there are, like the king of Samaria, wearing hidden sackcloth.  
  • Outside the gay purple robe which, rent, reveals the secret.  
  • The people looked, and, behold, he had sackcloth within upon his flesh."
But we can find the way of victory over our broken hearts: 

  • One word is worth all the others, "Thy will, not mine, be done."  
  • To will what God wills brings peace.

As I rest my heart upon what I know 

  • (the certainty of the ultimate triumph of good), 
  • leaving what I do not know to the Love that has led me all my life long, 
  • the peace of God enters into me and abides.
Adapted Excerpt From 
Gold By Moonlight by Amy Carmichael


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