The Comfort of His Perfect Knowledge of Me

The perfect knowledge which Christ has of all His people.

  • He can distinguish between false profession and true grace. 
  • The Church may be deceived, and rank men as Apostles, who are nothing better than brethren of Judas Iscariot. 
  • But Jesus is never deceived, for He can read hearts. 
  • And here He declares with peculiar emphasis, "I know whom I have chosen.”

This perfect knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ is a very solemn thought, and one which cuts two ways. 

  • When I am tempted to become a hypocrite, it ought to fill me with alarm, and drive me to repentance. 
  • Let me remember that the eyes of the all-seeing Judge already see me through and through, and detect the absence of a wedding garment. 
  • If I would not be put to shame before assembled worlds, let me cast aside any false profession, and confess my sin before it is too late. 

As a believer, on the other hand, I may think of an all-knowing Savior with comfort.

  • I may remember, when misunderstood and slandered by an evil world, that my Master knows all. 
  • He knows that I am true and sincere, however weak and failing. 
  • A time is coming when He will confess me before His Father, 
  • and bring forth my character clear and bright as the summer sun at noon-day.
Adapted Excerpt from

The Gospel of John

J.C. Ryle


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