If I Would Be Happy

The uselessness of religious knowledge if not accompanied by practice. 

  • We read, "If you know these things, happy are you if you do them." 
  • It sounds as if our Lord would warn His disciples that they would never be really happy in His service if they were content with a barren head-knowledge of duty, and did not live according to their knowledge.

The lesson is one which deserves the continual remembrance of all professing Christians. 

  • Nothing is more common than to hear people saying of doctrine or duty--"We know it, we know it;" while they sit still in unbelief or disobedience.
  • They actually seem to flatter themselves that there is something creditable and redeeming in knowledge, even when it bears no fruit in heart, character, or life.
  • Yet the truth is precisely the other way. 

To know what I ought to be, believe, and do, and yet to be unaffected by my knowledge, only adds to my guilt in the sight of God. 

  • To know that I should be humble and loving, while I continue proud and selfish, will only sink me deeper in the pit, 
  • unless I awake and repent. 
  • Practice, in short, is the very life of faith. 
  • "To him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin." (James 4:17.)

Of course I must never despise knowledge. 

  • It is in one sense the beginning of Christianity in the soul. 
  • So long as I know nothing of sin, or God, or Christ, or grace, or repentance, or faith, or conscience, I am of course nothing better than unbelievers. 
  • But I must not overrate knowledge. 
  • It is altogether valueless unless it produces results in my conduct, and influences my life, and moves my will. 
In fact knowledge without practice does not raise me above the level of the devil. 

  • He could say to Jesus, "I know You who You are, the Holy One of God." 
  • The devils, says James, "believe and tremble." (James 2:19.) 
  • Satan knows truth, but has no will to obey it, and is miserable. 
  • He that would be happy in Christ's service must not only know, but do.

Adapted Excerpt From

The Gospel of John

J. C. Ryle


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