If Grace Reigns Within Me

How mysterious are the ways in which Christ sometimes leads His people.

When He talked of going back to Judea, His disciples were perplexed - to return to Judea was to plunge into the midst of danger.  As a servant of Christ I am often placed in circumstances just as puzzling and perplexing.  The path I am obliged to walk in is not the path of my own choice.  At present I cannot see its usefulness or wisdom.  

At times like these I must call into exercise my faith and patience.  I may be called to take some journey in life which I greatly dislike.  When that time comes, let me set out cheerfully, and believe that all is right.

How tenderly Christ speaks of the death of believers.

He announces the fact of Lazarus being dead in language of singular beauty and gentleness - "Our friend Lazarus sleeps."  Every true Christian has a Friend in heaven, of almighty power and boundless love.  The Friend of sinners is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.  

The death of true Christians is "sleep" and not annihilation.  If I were a mere worldly person, death must need to be a terrible thing; but if I have Christian faith I may boldly say, as I lay down my life, "I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest - for it is You, Lord, that make me dwell in safety."

How much of natural temperament clings to a believer even after conversion.  

When Thomas saw that Lazarus was dead, and that Jesus was determined, in spite of all danger, to return into Judea, he said, "Let us also go, that we may die with Him."  His was the language of a despairing and desponding mind, which could see nothing but dark clouds in the picture.  Thomas' despair shows me that I must make large allowances for natural temperament, in forming my estimate of individual Christians.

The grace of God in conversion does not re-mold me as to leave no trace of my natural bent of character.  As a member of Christ's body I have my own distinctive bias, and yet all of us members have one point in common - we love Christ and are His friends.

Let me take heed that I really belong to Christ.

I may not have the cheerfulness of one brother, or the fiery zeal of another, or the gentleness of another.  But if grace reigns within me, and I know what repentance and faith are by experience, I shall stand on the right hand in the great day.  Happy am I of whom with all my defects, Christ says to saints and angels, "This is our friend."

Adapted Excerpt From

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Volume 1-4

J. C. Ryle


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