Beware of the Tyrant

The power and malignity of our great enemy the devil

  • We are told in the beginning of the chapter that he "put it into the heart" of Judas to betray our Lord. 
  • We are told here that he "entered into" him. 
  • First he suggests--then he commands. 
  • First he knocks at the door and asks permission to come in--
  • then, once admitted, he takes complete possession, and rules the whole inward man like a tyrant.

Let me take heed that I am not "ignorant of Satan's devices." 

  • He is still going to and fro in the earth, seeking whom he may devour. 
  • He is about my path, and about my bed, and spies out all my ways. 
  • My only safety lies in resisting him at the first, and not listening to his first advances. 

For this I am responsible. 

  • Strong as he is, he has no power to do me harm, if I cry to the stronger One in heaven, and use the means which He has appointed. 
  • It is a standing principle of Christianity, and will ever be found true. 
  • "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7.)”

Once I begin tampering with the devil, and I never know how far I may fall. 

  • Trifling with the first thoughts of sin--
  • making light of evil ideas when first offered to my heart--
  • allowing Satan to talk to me, and flatter me, and put bad notions into my heart-
  • all this may seem a small matter to many. 
  • It is precisely at this point that the road to ruin often begins. 
If I allow Satan to sow wicked thoughts I will soon find within my “heart a crop of wicked habits. 

  • Happy am I when I really believe that there is a devil, 
  • and believing, watch and pray daily that I may be kept from his temptations.

Adapted Excerpt From

The Gospel of John

J. C. Ryle


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