A Settled Determination to Trust Christ

True Christians may be sick and ill as well as others.  

Jesus allowed Lazarus to be sick, and in pain, and weary, and to languish and suffer like any other man.  Let me be patient and cheerful when I am laid aside by illness.  Let me believe that the Lord Jesus loves me when I am sick no less than when I am well. 

Jesus Christ is the Christian's best Friend in the time of need.  

When Lazarus was sick, his sisters at once sent to Jesus, and laid the matter before Him.  The servants of Christ, in every age and climate, will do well to follow this excellent example.  Let me not forget, in the hurry and excitement of my feelings, that none can help like Him, and that He is merciful, loving, and gracious.

Christ loves all who are true Christians. 

Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.  They all belonged to His family, and He loved them all.  I must carefully bear this in mind in forming my own estimate of Christians.  There are degrees of grace, and varieties of grace; but the least, the weakest, the feeblest disciples are all loved by the Lord Jesus. Let not my believer's heart fail because of my infirmities; and above all, let me not dare to despise and undervalue a brother.

Christ knows best at what time to do anything for His people.  

When He had heard that Lazarus was sick, He abode two days still in the same place where He was.  For the sake of the Church and the world, for the good of friends and enemies, He kept away.  Nothing so helps me to bear patiently the trials of life as an abiding convictions of the perfect wisdom by which everything around me is managed.  The highest degree of faith is to be able to wait, sit still, and not complain.

Let me with a settled determination trust Christ entirely with all the concerns of this world, both public and private.

The hand that was nailed to the cross is too wise and loving to smite without needs-be, or to keep me waiting for relief without a cause.

Adapted Excerpt from Expository Thoughts on the Gospels by J.C. Ryle


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