A Day When Every Dark Page in My Life's History Will Be Explained

The hasty ignorance of the Apostle Peter. 

  • One moment we find him refusing to allow his Master to do such a servile work as He is about to do--"Do you wash my feet?" "You shall never wash my feet." 
  • Another moment we find him rushing with characteristic impetuosity into the other extreme--"Lord, wash not my feet only, but my hands and my head." 
  • But throughout the transaction we find him unable to take in the real meaning of what his eyes behold. 
  • He sees, but he does not understand.

Let me learn from Peter's conduct that a man may have plenty of faith and love, and yet be sadly destitute of clear knowledge. 
  • I must not set down men as graceless and godless because they are dull, and stupid, and blundering in their religion. 
  • The heart may often be quite right when the head is quite wrong. 
  • I must make allowances for the corruption of the understanding, as well as of the will. 
  • I must not be surprised to find that the brains as well as the affections of Adam's children have been hurt by the fall. 

It is a humbling lesson, and one seldom fully learned except by long experience. 
  • But the longer I live the more true shall I find it, that a believer, like Peter, may make many mistakes and lack understanding, 
  • and yet, like Peter, have a heart right before God, and get to heaven at last.
Even at our best estate I shall find that many of Christ's dealings with me are hard to understand in this life. 
  • The "why" and "wherefore" of many a providence will often puzzle and perplex me quite as much as the washing puzzled Peter. 
  • The wisdom, and fitness, and necessity of many a thing will often be hidden from my eyes. 
  • But at times like these I must remember the Master's words, and fall back upon them--"What I do you know not now, but you shall know hereafter." 

There came days, long after Christ had left the world, when Peter saw the full meaning of all that happened on the memorable night before the crucifixion. 
  • Even so there will be a day when every dark page in my life's history will be explained, 
  • and when, as I stand with Christ in glory, I shall know all.
Adapted Excerpt From
The Gospel of John
J. C. Ryle


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