What Am I Missing?

If I want to grow in grace, and have more hope, I must seek more holiness in life and conversation.

This is a humbling lesson to dwell upon, but one that cannot be dwelt upon too much. There is an inseparable connection between a close walk with God and comfort in my faith.  Let this never be forgotten.

As a vessel in the Lord's house, mine can become very dull and dingy. When I look at my life, I see many things missing - things that Jesus loves.

I am often missing the meekness and gentleness of my Master.  I can be harsh, rough-tempered, and censorious, and flatter myself that I am faithful.

I am often missing real boldness in confessing Christ before men.  I often think much more of the time to be silent than the time to speak.

I am often missing real humility: I don't like to take the lowest place, and esteem everyone better than myself, and my own strength perfect weakness.

I am often missing real charity: I seldom have that unselfish spirit which seeks not its own.  I am often more taken up with my own feelings and my own happiness than that of others.

I am often missing real thankfulness of spirit: I complain, and murmur, and fret, and brood over the things I have not and forget the things I have.  I am seldom content. 

I am often missing a decided separation from the world: the line of distinction is often rubbed out.  Like the chameleon, I am always taking the color of my company.  I can become so like the ungodly that it strains a man's eyes to see the difference.

This ought not to be.  If I want more hope, Lord, make me more zealous of good works.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions by J.C. Ryle


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