Get to Know My Lord Jesus Christ

If I want to grow in grace, and have more hope, 

  • I must seek more knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ.
How little do I know of Him!

  • My cold affections towards Him are a witness against myself.
  • My eyes can never be open to what He is and does for me, or I would love Him more.
Am I cold about Christ?

  • I may live by rule;
  • I may walk strictly;
  • I may do many things; 
  • I may imagine in a short time I shall be very strong.
But all this time I can lose sight of this grand truth -

  • that nothing is so sanctifying as knowledge of the Lord Jesus
  • and communion with Him.

"Abide in Me," He says Himself, 

  • "and I in you.
  • As the branch cannot bear fruit, except it abide in the vine;
  • no more can you, except you abide in me."
Christ must be the spring of my holiness, as well as the rock of my faith.

  • Christ must be all in all. 
Precious He ought to be for what He has done already;

  • He has called me, 
  • quickened me, 
  • washed me, 
  • justified me.
Precious He ought to be for what He is doing even now;

  • strengthening me
  • interceding for me
  • sympathizing with me.
Precious He ought to be for what He will do yet;

  • He will keep me to the end
  • raise me
  • gather me at His coming
  • present me faultless before God's throne
  • give me rest with Him in His kingdom.

But oh! Christ ought to be far more precious to me than He has ever been yet.

  • Nothing but the knowledge of Christ will ever feed my spirit.
  • All my darkness arises from not keeping close to Him.
Forms of religious practice are valuable as helps and are profitable for strengthening me.  But it must be:
  • Christ crucified for sinners -
  • Christ seen with the eye of faith - 
  • Christ present in my heart - 
  • Christ as the bread of my life -
  • Christ as the water of my life.

This must be the teaching I must ever cling to.
  • Nothing else will either save, satisfy, or sanctify my sinful soul.
  • I need more knowledge of Christ.
  • If I would grow in grace and hope, I must begin here.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions by J.C. Ryle


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