More Watchfulness

If I want to grow in grace, and have a more lively hope, I must seek more watchfulness in seasons of prosperity.

I know no time in my life when my soul is in such danger as it is when all things go well with me.  I know no time when I am so likely to contract spiritual diseases and lay the foundation of many days of darkness and doubt in my inward person.  

I like the course of my life to run smoothly, and it is natural to my flesh and blood to do so.  But I have little idea how perilous this smooth course is to my faith.  The seeds of sickness are generally sown in health.  

It is the holiday time when lessons are forgotten.  It is the sweet things which do harm to the children and not the bitter.  It is the world's favor which injures my faith far more than the world's frown.  

David committed no adultery while fleeing before the face of Saul: - it was when Saul was dead and he was king in his stead, and there was peace in Israel.  

Christian in "Pilgrim's Progress" did not lose his evidence while he was fighting with Apollyon: - it was when he was sleeping in a pleasant arbor, and no enemy seemed near.  

Oh! if I would have a lively hope, Lord, make me watch in the days of prosperity and be sober.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions by J.C. Ryle


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