In Times of Trial

If I want to grow in grace, and have a lively hope, I must seek more faith and contentment in time of trial.  

Trial often makes me speak unadvisedly with my lips, and say and do things which rise like mist between my soul and Christ.  

Trial is a fire which often brings much dross to the surface of my heart, and makes me say, "God has forgotten me, there is no hope for my soul; I am cast out of the Lord's sight; I do well to complain."  

Yet trial is the hand of a Father chastening me for my profit, however slow I may be to believe it.  The rod is often sent in answer to a prayer for sanctification: - it is one of God's ways of carrying on that work of sanctification which I profess to desire.  

Jacob, and Joseph, and Moses, and David, all found this.  Blessed are they who take patiently the Lord's medicines - who bear the cross in silence, and say, "It is well."  

Afflictions well borne are spiritual promotions.  Patience having a perfect work in the time of affliction, will sooner or later yield a precious harvest of inner hope.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions by J.C. Ryle


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