Get to Know My Own Heart

If I want to grow in grace, and have more hope, I must seek more knowledge of my own heart.

I might imagine I am acquainted with it, but I am not.  The half of the sin that is in me has so far been hidden from my eyes.  I have not the slightest idea how much my heart might deceive me if I tried and into what depths of Satan the very best of me might fall.

But I know by bitter experience, that by trusting my heart I have often made sad mistakes.  I have sometimes committed such errors that I have lost sight of my hope, and been ready to believe I had no grace at all.

Oh! if I would be a happy Christian, let me cease to put confidence in my heart.  Let me learn to expect nothing from it but weakness and feebleness.

Let me cease to look to feelings for my comforts. Hope built on anything within me must always be wavering and unstable.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions by J.C. Ryle


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