I Want to Be a Joyful Christian

If I would grow in grace, and have a more lively hope, I must seek more preparedness for Christ's second coming.

I know no doctrine more sanctifying and quickening than the doctrine of Christ's second advent.  I know none more calculated to draw me from the world, and make me single-eyed, whole-hearted, and a joyful Christian.  

But how little I live like believers who wait for their Master's return!  Do I love and long for my Lord's appearing?  Is my heart ready to receive Jesus?  

If not, I will find the window barred - the door shut - the fires almost out - it would be a cold and comfortless reception.  Oh! it ought not so to be.  

I want more of a pilgrim's spirit: - I ought to be ever looking for and hastening to my home.  The day of the Lord's advent is the day of rest, the day of complete redemption, the day when the family of God shall at last be all gathered together.  

It is the day when I shall no longer walk by faith, but by sight: - I shall see  the land that is far off, - I shall behold the King in His beauty.  Surely I ought to be saying daily, "Come, Lord Jesus, let thy kingdom come."  

Oh! let me set Christ's advent continually before my eyes.  Let me say to myself every morning, "The Lord will soon return," and it will be good for my soul.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions by J.C. Ryle


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