I Want to Be a Happy Christian

I want to be a happy Christian.  

Happiness is the gift of God, but that there is the closest connection between full following of God and full happiness, let me not for an instant doubt.  

As a hopeful, growing believer, I can have the witness within myself.  I can walk in the full light of the sun, and therefore I can generally feel bright and warm.  

I will not quench the Spirit by continual inconsistencies, and so the fire within me will seldom burn low.  I can have great peace because I really love God's law, and all that see me are obliged to allow that it is a privilege and not a bondage to be a Christian.  

Oh! the comfort of a tender conscience, a godly jealousy, a close walk with God, a heavenly frame of mind!  The Lord make me and all of us such a spirit.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions by J.C. Ryle


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