An 18th Century Theologian Writes to Today's Bloggers

Dear readers, I heartily pray God to bless these posts to your souls.  

Whether you are of those for whom I fear, - whether you are of those about whom I doubt, - whether you are of those whom I look at with hope, my heart's desire and prayer is, that you may leave this blog a wiser and better person than when you clicked it on.  

We live in strange times.  The world seems getting old and shaking.  The shadows are long drawn.  The evening appears to be coming on.  The night will soon be upon us, when no one can work.  

Oh! that every reader of this blog would turn in upon himself while it is called to-day, and consider his own ways.  Oh! that each would ask himself the question, Where am I?  What am I?  Where am I going?  What will be the end of my present course?  What is the hope of my soul?

Reader, once more I ask you not to despise my question.  Think of it: consider it: pray over it.  Oh! that it may take firm hold of your heart, and never leave you!  Oh! that it may be to your soul as life from the dead!  

Time is fast ebbing away.  Life is a vast uncertainty.  Death is drawing nearer and nearer.  Judgment is sure to come.  

Reader, where art thou?  Where art thou in the sight of God?

I remain,

Your affectionate Friend,

J.C. Ryle


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