Will I Strive to Enter In Right Now?

The secrets of my heart. 

Is there some pet sin, 

  • which I am holding fast, and will not give up? 
  • This is a disease which checks the growth of many a professing Christian.
Am  I being kept back by the fear of man... 

  • afraid of the blame or laughter of my fellow creatures?
  • This is an iron chain that fetters many a soul. 
Am I careless about private prayer and communion with God?

  • This is one reason why multitudes are weak and sickly in spirit. 

But whatever my reason be, 

  • I have been warned to take care what I am doing. 
  • My state is neither satisfactory nor safe. 

Like the Gibeonites, if I be found in the train of Israel, 

  • like them I will have no title to Israel’s portion, 
  • Israel’s consolations, and Israel’s rewards. 
  • Oh! awake to a sense of danger! Strive to enter in.

Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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