How Long Will I Remain an "Almost" Christian?


I ought to stand in doubt.

Am I what some would call an "almost Christian"? 

  • I may have many things about me which are right, and good, and praiseworthy in the sight of God. 
  • I may be regular and moral in my life. 
  • I may be free from glaring outward sins. 
  • I may keep up many decent and proper habits. 
I may be usually diligent in my attendance on means of grace. 

  • I may appear to love the preaching of the Gospel. 
  • I may not be offended at the truth as it is in Jesus, 
  • however plainly it may be spoken. 
  • I may have no objection to Christian company, Christian books, and Christian talk.
  • I may agree to all that others say when they speak to me about my soul. 
  • And all this is well.

But still is there no movement in my heart that even a microscope can detect?
  • Am I like those who stand still?
  • Weeks after weeks, years after years roll over my head, 
  • and am I just where I was? 
  • I may sit under pulpits. 
  • I may approve of sermons. 
  • And yet, am I nothing the better apparently for all I receive?
There may always be the same regularity about me,—
  • the same constant attendance on means of grace,—
  • the same wishing and hoping,—
  • the same way of talking about faith; 
  • but is there nothing more?
Is there no going forward in my Christianity? 
  • Is there no life, and heat, and reality in it? 
  • Does my soul seem to be at a dead lock? 
  • All this is sadly wrong.

Am I one of these people? 
  • There are thousands of them in this day,—
  • thousands in our churches, and thousands in our chapels. 

I have to urge myself to give an honest answer to the question: 
  • Is this the state of my soul in the sight of God? 
  • If it is, I can only say my condition is most unsatisfactory. 
As the apostle said to the Galatians, so I need to say to myself, 
  • “I stand in doubt of you.”

Adapted Excerpt From
    Startling Questions
      J. C. Ryle


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