There Was a Time...But Now?

There was a time... 

  • when all the saints of God who saw me rejoiced at the sight.
I seemed then to love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, 
  • and to be willing to give up the broad way forever, 
  • and forsake all for the Gospel’s sake. 
The Word of God appeared sweet and precious to me; 

  • the voice of Christ’s ministers a most pleasant sound; 
  • the assembly of the Lord’s people the place I loved best; 
  • the company of true believers my chief delight. 

I was never missing at the weekly meeting. 

  • My place was never empty at Church. 
  • My Bible was never long out of your hands. 
  • There were no days in my life without prayer. 
My zeal was indeed fervent. 

  • My Christian affections were truly warm. 
  • I did run well for a season. 
But, oh! Where am I now?

Adapted Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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