There Is Mercy For Me

Dear One, notwithstanding all your backslidings, 

  • there is hope even for you. 
There is no disease of soul that the glorious Gospel cannot cure. 

  • There is a remedy even for your case,—
  • humbling, pride-lowering, I know,—
  • but a sure remedy; and I earnestly beseech you to take it. 
That remedy is the fountain opened for all sins,—

  • the free mercy of God in Christ Jesus. 
  • Go and wash in that fountain without delay, 
  • and Jesus Christ shall make you whole.

Take down your neglected Bible, 
  • and see how David fell and lay in foul sin a whole year, 
  • and yet when he repented and turned to God, 
  • there was mercy for him. 
Turn to the history of the apostle Peter, 
  • and see how he denied his Master three times with an oath, 
  • and yet when he wept and humbled himself, 
  • there was mercy for him. 

Hear what comfortable words our Lord and Savior sends to you this day, 
  • “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” 
  • “Thou hast played the harlot with many lovers, yet, return again to me.” 
  • “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
  • though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” 
“Return, ye backsliding children, 
  • and I will heal your backslidings.” 
Oh! that you may take up the words of Israel this day, and reply, 
  • “Behold, I come unto thee, for thou art the Lord my God.” 
  • (Matthew 11:28; Jeremiah 3:1; Isaiah 1:18; Jeremiah 3:22.)

Adapted Excerpt From
Startling Questions
J. C. Ryle


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